Friday, August 19, 2005

Things you don't need to see at 7am

I consider myself quite a fair person, someone with a relatively strong constitution, but even I was somewhat taken aback this morning when I walked out of a shower cubicle at the gym, headed towards my locker to be "cut up" by some middle aged man with a blamange arse, waddling towards the steam room. Now before the PC brigade fire up their "Mr Outraged of Doncaster" routine... THAT wasn't what made me gag...

It was the sight of this delightful little 5'6 man walking (thankfully) away from me with the most perfect impression of a toilet seat on his butt. SO perfect and red, it looked like he had either been sat there for 2 weeks, or someone had beaten him really hard with the loo seat.. Neither vision is something I ever want to focus on again.

Almost put me off my smoothie!... how rude!

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