Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The hills are alive, with the sound of...

...teenage mother's screaming obscenities to their equally pre-pubescent "partners", right across from my windows. Indeed I work in a charming area, known as Islington, specifically Angel and I can assure you now that if I didn't risk being gagged and beaten by the "right-on" police, I'd have a few choice statements to make which would include the words "bomb" and "Angel"

Yes, across the street from me is a unit where teenage couples can go and live in a prime EC1 location at taxpayer's expense to be "cared for". So far in the few weeks I have been here, I see men (well I assume if they have a gun and a knife they must be 18?) in wifebeater tops screaming language at their girlfriends that would even make Mr Tourette blush (see No one is usually spared from this tirade, not the infant screaming next to them, not the passer by, not the man who has just returned to his car to find it approx 3-4kg lighter because some spotty 12 year old has smashed the window and helped themselves to the laptop.

I guess this is what's called "Community"

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