Thursday, August 04, 2005

Things that really annoy me - Pt 1- "Its a crapper"

Feminist Toilet Seats!!!

what's that all about?.. As moany as some women can be about how a loo seat "should" always be in the down position, I take HUGE exception to discovering a loo that has a "seat with attitude".
You know the type - no matter what you do, how you position it, it almost stares at you ready to slam down and either break your flow, or worse still - cause you to react like a schizophrenic fireman on "k" who has just been told by all 8 voices in his head (at once) "no the fire is over here!... here!... here!...over here!"
Net result - slamming noise, people outside sniggering, wet floor, steam coming from ears.

SO I say NO! to feminist toilet seats!


Canary Warbler said...

Well i did think that and not that i consider myself underpriveliged in that depratment, but the distance from the seat in the down position (ie the biting point) to the front of my trousers is about 2 feet. Anyone who gets their dick cut off my a loo seat, frankly could do with the reduction!

Canary Warbler said...

What a shame Lez Gazzelle didn't have a blog for me to look at :(