Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Not cutting the mustard!

In the catalogue of things that annoy me (Volume 7), I have a particular gripe with restaurants who just “top up” the sauces, mustards and other condiments by that concise catering term “slopping a bit more on the top”

There is nothing more alarming, (well there is of course but humour me for a moment), than opening a jar of, lets say wholegrain mustard, eating half your delicious fillet steak, then noticing that the sell-by date on the jar is July 2003!

Ok, granted - when I opened the jar, it was full to the neck so what I used was probably brand new, but good lord, how old is the product at the bottom of the jar? Ewww!

This disgraceful practise is not confined to your average Old Compton St, “Back door Deirdre” restaurant either!... my own mother has been known to harbour jars of olives, sauces, pastes etc all with a dates that were millennium compliant for the wrong reasons!! – I have even been known to arrive home in Scotland, drag the Brabantia (well did you think I would visit, if she didn’t have one as well?) over to the cupboard and breathe new life into those shelves!. To this day, I’m convinced she hides things just before I arrive!..

So think on, next time you’re in your local eatery!.. Don’t be too cocky when you think you’re opening that “brand new” bottle of Ketchup… check that date!

How very rude!

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