Monday, September 26, 2005

May i stick my finger through your hole?

This morning i boarded a tube as usual. I was still quite asleep.

The doors closed, I looked up and I could see a rather non descript woman reading a Metro

What disturbed me most was that this woman was BEHIND the man immediately in front of me.

Why could I see this woman?

I was looking through the hole in the man's ear made by one of those ridiculous ear-ring things that are as big as napkin rings /cockrings (delete as apt) and I found myself frozen to the spot.

I could not continue the journey in that carriage. If I had stayed on, I would have projectile vomited through the hoop and onto the Metro of the woman behind.

Honestly, I know I come across as a bit conservative sometimes but please....

Still, I suppose I could have hung my dry-cleaning on it rather than carry it...

1 comment:

Gareth said...

I've often thought what I would look like with such a piece of ear adornment, realsied that I'd look rather twatish so foget about it until the next time.