Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Blogging at 30,000 feet

Its just gone 11:20pm. As I write this I am at 30,000 feet. Should land in about 45 mins.

What a 4 days. I think I've loaded up on brownie point with the parents, spent all my birthday money (and some) on Prada shoes, a shirt and some shorts. (oh how the comments will flow now)

Last time I was in Tenerife I was with Charlie and my ex. It felt odd but strangely calm without Michael there. No worrying when the next argument would happen.., or when he'd next sneak off for a cigarette, come back stinking of cheap Spanish fags, then lie to my face that he wasn't a smoker.... or praying that whatever came out of Charlie’s mouth next wouldn’t set him off on a sulk..... or perhaps.... hell, you get the idea

Only a matter of 7 weeks or so to go before I am back out again to surprise my grandmother for her birthday, although frankly the "get her to answer the door so I can surprise her" routine must even be wearing thin on her now…. Just coz she’s 80-ish doesn’t mean she has the memory span of a goldfish.

Oh well back to work tomorrow... Upload these Blogs... Dying to read Ashley's.. the man is a total undiscovered talent.

Hmm I think I will steal the in-flight safety card. Watch this space.. I see some re-working of it, hopefully to humours effect.


So we circled Gatwick for 40 mins, with a near switch to Stansted because of “poor visibility”. Fortunately we did land at Gatwick, then after abandoning waiting for the South-eastern train, the Gatwick Express took a little over an hour – Apparently the last one of the night gets held up with engineering works – little note for your travel planners there!

I got home at 3:30am!....

Guess how alert and smiley I am today ?

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