Monday, March 13, 2006

Buggering DVD!

Ok so I come home yesterday to a rather sheepish looking housemate who says "The DVD player is broken".. then proceeds to pack for a business trip and vacate to Amsterdam.

This is no regular DVD Player.. its some very complex american 300 disc carousel player which I clearly decide is fair game for me to repair myself. Those of you who know me well will already be holding their face in their hands, gently shaking from side to side muttering "!" - Last time I replaced the kitchen light switch, upon restoration of the mains, it blew off the wall across the kitchen... oops

After undoing all 437 screws, I get the lid off, remove "Man Rammer!" or whatever the gratuitous porn that he'd jammed it with! (why are porn DVD's thicker than normal ones?) and proceeded to try and re-attach the disc selection arm...


I stumble up to bed muttering obscenities at 3am with all 40,000 parts dis-assembled on the lounge floor..

Now what am I going to do....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buy one that can list the DVDs in alphabetical order :p