Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I hate the BBC

... and just to clarify, i don't mean that last bastion of British broadcasting... i mean the Bulgarian Blonde Cunt that sat behind me on my flight home.

There was only 4 of us "up the front" and for some reason all on one side of the plane (Tourette, one single fat or tilting plane joke will see your house burn down).. and this couple were in row 2 behind me. He was a very wealthy british man and she a very beautiful Bulgarian woman. She had attitude written all over her, but her but i forgave it as she had fabulous Jimmy Choos and a fur coat that would have made Jodie Marsh choke on her own tongue.

So we're airborne and i am about to recline my seat, and i think to myself, hmm this might annoy her so i'll move to the other side of the aisle so as not to inconvenience her. I stand up, she looks at me so i smile and say "I'll just move over here so i don't recline into you"

She screws her face up and in her best Zza Zza says "I'm not movink! - you can move if you like but i'm not movink!" and preceeds to glare at me.

I thought you miserable bitch. I should have just sat back down and reclined into those fake rum babbas for the whole flight. I'd even have managed to eat soup laying down just to piss her off, the mood she put me in.

However i gracefull bit my lip in the way that one does when you think "Christ to explain this will only make her worse"... and proceeded to spend the whole of the flight catching her glare at me out of the corner of my eye.

Misunderstaning?.. perhaps, but HOW RUDE!

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