Monday, March 27, 2006

DO NOT pull that knob when approaching a dark tunnel

So this morning, I got up early for a change to go to the gym, get down to the Jubilee line platform to find a melee of bemused passengers staring at a train which is half in & half out of the station. Apparently a "lady was taken ill" on the train so as you would, in the middle of the rush hour, wait till the tube just starts to move, THEN pull the alarm handle!.

Fortunately, I was way early and had time to watch all the other caring passenger muttering "selfish cow, why did she have to be ill on MY train" etc etc..

Then just to add insult, the station manager came on the PA system to remind everyone that in the event of this happening to any of us, we should wait till the train in at the next station and not hold up everything by "pulling it in a tunnel".. how rude!

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