Monday, March 20, 2006

Airline Lounges of the World :- Part 1

I am in Bulgaria at the moment. In the "Sofia" lounge at the airport which is their equivalent of a business class lounge. Taking Bulgaria aside for a moment, as thats a whole chapter on its own, i think i am going to start a report on all the lounges i ever visit as some of them need to be seen to be believed.

This one is a bit like a school canteen in style & layout but to be fair they are building a whole new airport at the moment so we'll see.

There is enough drink in this self service bar to kill everyone who has ever attended the Betty Ford clinic, although some peasant just put 2 lumps of ice in his red wine!.. yes thats 2 less to go in my 50/50 Bombay Saphire & tonic... How rude!!!


Canary Warbler said...

Well if you will fly Air Guacamole and sit next to the rear gunner, then what do you expect?

Anonymous said...

its uncanny how you delete the comments you dont like. I shant bother anymore.

Canary Warbler said...

not the ones i don't like.. just the crap boring ones that are only funny to you as their a personal dig. xx

Perhaps if you logged in and they came from a name, it would be better. i should just block ananymous comments perhaps?