After my good sleep in which Cirque du Soleil cast trampolining on my bed, would not have arisen me from my slumber, I awoke very refreshed..
SO what else is one to do in the north of Scotland on a Saturday, but of course go to Inverness and buy clothes? Dur!.

Once again, the Beverly Hillbillies crammed into my mother's merc convertible and off we went. I left my mum & Charlie to go shopping in "Emelda Marcos World" while I dragged my poor father to Poshaac with me and spent 87 hours trying on the entire store. I only went in to return a pair of jeans but managed to come out with a Paul Smith bag, John Richmond Jeans and an Etienne Ozeki shirt, not to mention a very warm Egg Card!
Met up with the girls. Charlie had managed to buy more than me so she got one of my looks!, then lunch in M&S before heading home. So far so good... oh how naive we were are we drove, how messy the evening would become.
Part of my main reason for coming up on this trip, was to see my dearest friend Dianne who is 6 months pregnant. Being the good friend i am, I needed to see her to (a) remind her she was now fat and (b) check out her husband-to-be - again (well I didn't get a good enough look the first time).. At the same time my friends Cameron & Nigel invited us to join a 40th birthday at a local hotel so we all agreed to meet there for a small glass of water and a dry ryvita (ahem) and having already wolfed down a slab of my mum's home made lasagne which could easily have stopped the Titanic from sinking, that's really all I was able for.
None the less, Charlie and I arrived, tipped a bucket of G&T's or in my case JD&C down our throats until the shock of the pineapple & cheese on sticks buffet was a distant blur. After a boogie or two, they announced karaoke was about to start.
Oh dear.. At this point I need to say I am one of those people who is terrified of singing, despite being told I actually have a decent voice. Alas I am also one of those people who once they have sung their first song, trying to remove the microphone from my hand is akin to removing a fillet steak from a starving rabbid dog, so after my one flaky start, I was extremely non-plussed to find the limelight being hogged by the guy who owned the karaoke kit. How rude!
So by 1am it was back to Cam's house for more drink where we put the world to wrongs and by 4:45am I fell into bed extremely content that i'd had the folloiwng plus points to the day
1) No horrid calls from my ex
2) No nasty texts from my ex
3) A nice text from "Kev, the guy I mentioned yesterday who after reflecting on the whole "my ex" thing, decided perhaps I wasn't the one to blame after all.
4) I have nice new purchases
5) I had drunk a quantity of Jack Daniels which would boost Mr Daniel's share price and had no hangover!
All in all.. a good day.
Time-check: 5am. Oh god, I've been wearing my DKNY underwear back to front all day. What a spacker!
and sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
1 comment:
Yes to karaoke!
No to Whitney or Mariah. I can't be expected to reach the notes those bitches can!.. good lord!
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