Tuesday, April 18, 2006

New York, New York, so good they named it.... ok I'm bored already

Well now, what an incredible 5 days away in the big apple..

The highs....
  • Flying BA First Class both ways
  • Spending quality time with great friends
  • Eating & drinking amazing food, wine, cocktails & bubbly
  • Shopping to the point my case may kill someone if it falls on them

The lows...

  • Drinking way too much on the flight out and being poured off at JFK
  • Losing my LV wallet in a cab*
  • Schlepping the entire length of Madison Avenue in new shoes!

The further highs..

  • *Having my lost wallet returned to me (how nice are New York cabbies)
  • Having a foot massage in the Molton Brown First lounge to undo the aforementioned new shoe horror

So as I sit in the 1st class Concorde Lounge in JFK, having just had 3 course dinner, a foot massage and sipping a large Bombay sapphire & tonic awaiting boarding, I am actually looking forward to coming home :-)

... oh how I could get used to this

1 comment:

Canary Warbler said...

what made that even more funny for me (if thats possible) was watching Pink's new video for Stupid Gilrs in which she does exactly the same! ;-)