Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Airline Lounges of the World :- Part 2

There really is something to be said for being lucky enough ( i say lucky coz i sure aint' rich enough) to fly longhaul First Class.

My recent trip to JFK was something of a revalation as i wasn't actually sure what differences to expect from a First lounge compared to a Business terrace lounge but the differences were subtle yet striking...

First obvious thing is the silence. Granted there are potentially only 20 people in there compared to the 400,000 in the Club lounge but its such a place of serenity. The Concorde Rooms in T4 & JFK T7 are a total oasis.. Waiter service to your couch with pretty much anything you could ask for - i refrained from asking for dairylee on crackers in case the humour wasn't appreciated and settled for a bacon sandwich on the outbound leg of the journey so as not to spoil the inevitable banquet on board

All that rubbish about BA staff being rude was hugely unfounded. No one could have been more helpful and polite. I even had my postcards taken, stamps put on them for me and posted! - whether they arrive or not is clearly a different issue..

The T7 lounge at JFK looked like Philippe stark had gone to town on it. Amazing muted colours, curtains, linen etc, all wasted on me as i troughed down a "pre boarding" dinner, before rendering myself barely able to walk on gin & tonics prior to stepping on board the flight home

sigh.... i wonder when it may ever happen again...

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