Thursday, November 17, 2005

Too much sex can kill!

...So, there i am laying by the pool, listening to my iPod, when i saw a blatant sexual act, not 3 feet from me!..

Two dragon flies decided to get jiggy with it in mid air above the pool.. Clearly she was easy as she just flew upside down while getting her 5 second rogering... and in the true nature of men, once he emptied, he just flew off leaving the poor cow so exhausted she just fell into the swimming pool and lay there in the water, upside down.

Now despite having just sprayed myself with Clarins factor 15, i could just watch this helpless damsel in distress so of course just HAD to get in there are rescue her..

I left her sunbathing next to me while i carried on reading.. Can you believe it, the bitch just dried off, hovered and flew away.. not so much as a thank you..

bloody women! - all the same

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