Thursday, November 24, 2005

Things that annoy me: Volume 28

I know this is rather boring but why don't people ever peel off the thin plastic film that is used to protect electronic gadgets during shipping?

There was a guy on the tube this morning flashing off his new Motorola Razr and when he flipped it open there was still the film on the screen, looking all dog-eared & cloudy.. Wot a knob!

I feel i have an compulsion of almost "Monica Geller" proportions to remove said film from EVERYTHING i come near.

SO get a grip!.. its only a short stop from that to having polythene on all your furniture!!.. mmm classy ;-)


Anonymous said...

Notes lack of blog updates...

Canary Warbler said...

well note this..

i just worked 6 x 15 hours days and cn barely see, let alone type!

how rude to be anonymous too! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ah but if I said who I was you'd probably reveal some little secret that shouldn't be said...

Or something ;)

Canary Warbler said...

Does the secret involve a yacht and 7 bottle of Laurent Perrie Rose per chance?

Canary Warbler said...

At least i didn't tell you it was the first time i'd ever been afloat on LPR.. that would have been a lie no one would have swallowed.... so to speak.. ahem

ooh look, pretty butterfly...