Ok, i'm all for 3-for-2 offers in Boots.
I'm particularly all for them when its something that i'll use
Those of you who know me, know i like the better things in life and this applies just as much to "occasional wear" as anything else.
However, i'm somewhat less keen when i pick up a 3-for-2 on Avanti condoms and when handing them over to the woman at the till, she slightly (but not enough to cause a scene) raises one eyebrow, leaving you wondering.....
"is she thinking, Stud..... or Slut"? hmmm
In my case it would probablly signify she was thinking 'you actually think you'll use them all before the use by date... dream on'
If it was anything like the boots by me she probably wasn't thinking at all. Maybe it was justa weird facial tic.
i like this guy WORLD.. he funnee!
great BLOG too!
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