as in... you have a huge CHIP on your shoulder missy and I want to stick a PIN in your head!
This morning, in my usual meander to work via Starbucks (the new xmas seasonal menu is up so its egg-nog & gingerbread latte's galore!), I was pleased to see no queue.. In fact only one young woman in front of me.. OH what a false sence of security...
- She wanted to pay for a £1.85 coffee with Visa
- Didn't know her pin
- Wanted to know the calorific value of her skinny, soya, sugar free and probably by that point TASTE-free coffee so the manager was called to get his flipchart out!
- Then 7 minutes later!!!!!!! she went to the condiment bar behind her and added cinnamon, nutmeg, coco powder, chocolate sprinkles and SUGAR!!
She was THIS close to a "yer-but-no-but-yer-but" smack in the kisser!
SoI say to her and all the other dithering "Oh i'll just stop IN the ticket gate and have a rummage around for my Oyster card, now where is it.. must be in here somewhere, oh there's that lipstick I lost last year..." bitches..
- Have what you need before you get there
- Know your bloody pin number
- Perhaps carry ... oh dunno £2 in CASH!!
OH!,,,Now look.. my panini has gone cold
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