Thursday, December 29, 2005

Personal Reflection....

As i write this at 30,000 feet on my way back to London, i realise, i'm not really sure how to start this BLOG. The last week or so has been euphoric & tragic all in the space of a few days. Having decided that I would spend Christmas in Scotland, It was a nice break I was looking forward as well, and with direct flights to Inverness fast approaching £420, I decided to fly from City Airport to Edinburgh, stay with an adorable friend who I hadn’t seen for years then we would drive the rest of the way. Not only was it a £300 saving but I really wanted to see this guy again after so long.

So LCY-EDI as its known airline wise was a good service. Arrived on-time & caught a cab into the heart of Edinburgh. Not only was my friend pleased to see me, but I was soon to discover there were unfinished issues between us from many years previous. Needless to say, the next 24 hours were amazing and I felt very comfortable being there with him.

Our drive the next day was pleasant. Nice BMW coupe, clear roads; that certain glint in both our eyes. I arrived in my home town & started to unpack.

My mobile rang. It was Jerry from Vancouver. I could tell something was wrong from the tone of his voice. With little or no warning (Jerry was always a ‘to the point’ Sort of guy)

“I am afraid Phil was one of the pilots in the helicopter crash on Wednesday – He is dead.”

Just like that, I felt my stomach tighten. I had to tell Jerry I would call him back. I hung up & I went onto the internet. Sure enough on the BBC Scotland news pages was the story in all its glory, complete with video & eye witness accounts.

Christmas was a nice experience with my family. Although this horrid incident barely left my thoughts for even an hour, I guess we carry on….

To think after so many years, after so much discussion, after a phone call in which much was disclosed, after a promise to meet in the new year…. All over….

I will miss you Philip ward….. Always…….

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