Monday, October 23, 2006

The most disgusting drink ever..

So, after my wild weekend, (well I didn't think it was but my head, eyes and rest of my face begged to differ this morning when I woke), I thought I'd take it easy today and have a healthy lunch.. I bought a Pret-a-manger Green Tea Detox drink..

Imagine a vat of boiling fish bones and guts, left to cool, then left some more for ...oh about a month, then bottled!.. It was the most vile thing I have ever put in my mouth (and yes, ok that's saying something - I'll say it before you bitches do)


........Someone pass me my Coke Zero

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm back.....

... did you miss me?

Ok so lots happened since i last graced you with my presence

I'm still with "new man".. although after nearly 5 months i think we can promote him... We'll call him Cubby because Charlie* deemed it so due to the nature of him looking like a small cub that needs to be squeezed. He's 25! eek.. and is as Miss Joceyln would say "an officer of the law, warken for kweyn an contry". SO we're almost at the 5 month mark now. Fortunately for me, all my friends appear to like him, unlike the last one who seemed to alienate even... well aliens really...

I am selling my flat after 10 years and 2 months... yes its time.. I can no longer sanction 2 journey's per day on the northern line.. Someone will end up being hurt ........... by me! i feel its best.

So hopefully this is me back to being regular again (no not that... toilet-humor person!)

G x

* Charlie.. the mad woman mentioned so many times in previous posts. If you don't know who she is by now - Stinging legs!!