Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Seen it all now....

Ok there comes a time, when you think you may have seen everything in human behaviour but on Sunday night, chop sticks were frozen in mid air, jaws were dropped and breathing ceased for what seemed like 10 minutes

So, ok granted i was in The Dorchester's China Tang and one would expect a certain type of person to frequent such a restaurant but get this. :-

Couple arrives and i see out of the corner of my eye, a manager brining over a high-chair to them. Just as i'm about to tut internally about the merits of taking babies to chinese restaurants, i notice there is no baby... The woman actually ordered a high chair to put her GUCCI BAG in. Perish the thought the bag was placed on the floor!.. i mean we're talking a Dorchester carpet here, not some piss soaked alley behind Tottenham Court Road...

ah well.. takes all sorts i guess...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

American toilets - Part 2

I have a new found appreciation for the old British Armitage shanks.

You pull the flush and a few seconds later, all is gone.. all is well...

So why is this not the case with the american toilet ? Why indeed when you pull the chain does it have to turn into a cyclone and swirl everything around like a floor show!?

God if wanted to see poop soup, i'd pay to join a select website!

End OF!

American toilets - Part 1

Ok why do they have such tiny cubicles? (they call them stalls but i can't see anyone wanting to buy a cauliflower from inside on of THOSE!)..

The cubicles are so high off the ground you can see the person inside's KNEES! and so low from the ceiling you can see their expressionless botoxed forehead.

As if that wasn't bad enough there are gaps between all the doors, walls and hinges that you could get a whole toilet roll through..

No wonder they think we tourists are all full of shit.. who could GO in one of them?
